Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Oracle SOA 12C (12.2.1) : Creating a Restful service with JSON Response using Service Bus 12c (OSB)

There are some changes made in Rest Adapter from previous Oracle SOA 12.1.3 version, in the new Oracle SOA version 12.2.1 they have removed a predefined request/response schema definition in WADL that we use while configuring rest adapter.
For Building a Rest GET Operation, there are two important ways.

Create params using Templates

We can get them from Inbound → user-metadata

Create params using QueryParameters

We can get them from inbound → query-parameters

Below is the Step By Step process for building a GET Operation for getting a JSON Response using Templates

Create a new Project
Name as “RestProject”

Now we will start creating a Rest Adapter
Name as “sayHello”
Adding a New “Resource path” as /{name}
Creating a New Method

Method: sayHello

Now Create a New pipeline
Name as “HelloWorldPipeline”

Map them

DoubleClick on HelloWorldPipeline
Create a pipelinepairNode

Create a new Assign Activity and add below concat operation
concat('Hello ',$inbound/ctx:transport/ctx:request/tp:user-metadata/@value)
If you have more than one template use below xpath
concat('Hello ',$inbound/ctx:transport/ctx:request/tp:user-metadata[@name=’name’]/@value)

Now, for our scenario we need to send a JSON Response, so we need to create a NXSD to transform XML to JSON.

Create a new NXSD Schema
Add sample response { "Response":"Hello"}

Now In the response stage, insert nXSD Translate activity

In the input of nXSD, past below xml
<Root-Element xmlns="">

Translate: XML to Native
nXSD Schema: xsd location
Output: Content of $body


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