Friday, 25 October 2013

Handling Large Messages with Content Streaming in OSB

Handling Large Messages with Content Streaming

OSB supports the streaming of content through the service bus and also supports streaming transformations. Content streaming is enabled by simply selecting the Enabled check box during proxy service definition

The following are some of the best practices related to streaming content:

Enable streaming for pure content-based routing scenarios. Read-only scenarios such as content-based routing can gain significantly from enabling streaming. OSB leverages the partial parsing capabilities of the XQuery engine when streaming is used in conjunction with indexed XPaths. Thus, the payload is parsed and processed only to the field referred to in the XPath. Other than partial parsing, an additional benefit for read-only scenarios is that streaming eliminates the overhead associated with parsing and serialization of XMLBeans.

Enable streaming if there is an out-of-memory error when transforming large messages.
The output of a transformation is stored in a compressed buffer format either in memory or on disk. Using a compressed buffer format has a significant CPU penalty. Hence, when running out of memory is not a concern, streaming with compressed buffering should beavoided.

Use a hybrid approach for multiple reads with streaming.
The gains from streaming can be negated if the payload is accessed a large number of times for reading multiple fields. If all fields read are located in a single subsection of the XML document, a hybrid approach provides the best performance. The hybrid approach includes enabling streaming at the proxy level and assigning the relevant subsection to a context variable
For example, the fields Total and Status from the Below XML can be retrieved from a fully materialized subsection Summary:

<Item name="ACE_Car" >20000 </Item>
<Item name=" Ext_Warranty" >1500</Item>
.... a large number of items
<Shipping>My Shipping Firm </Shipping>
Assign "$body/Order[1]/Summary[1]" to "summary"
Assign "$summary/Total" to "total"
Assign "$summary /Status" to "status"

Monday, 7 October 2013

Grouping Distinct Value nodes using Xquery and XSLT

Below sample explains to get distinct nodes from any xml and returning nodes for the same group node.

Let say the input has below xml where for multiple <person> node, you need to group <mail> nodes for the same <age> node


   <mail></mail>   <mail></mail>  </mails>

Below is the XQUERY solution to generates the above output

(:: pragma bea:global-element-parameter parameter="$groupSetup1" element="ns1:persons" location="../XSD/Inp.xsd" ::)
(:: pragma bea:global-element-return element="ns0:persons" location="../XSD/Out.xsd" ::)

declare namespace ns1 = "";
declare namespace ns0 = "";
declare namespace xf = "";

declare function xf:GroupTransform($groupSetup1 as element(ns1:persons))
    as element(ns0:persons) {
                    for $g in fn:distinct-values($groupSetup1/ns1:persons/ns1:age)
                            <ns0:age>{ $g }</ns0:age>
                                for $grpset in $groupSetup1/ns1:persons
                                where $grpset[ns1:age eq $g]/ns1:mail/text() != ''
                                <ns0:mail>{ data($grpset[ns1:age eq $g]/ns1:mail/text()) }</ns0:mail>

declare variable $groupSetup1 as element(ns1:persons) external;


Grouping XML elements using XSLT - xsl:for-each-group
This is an informal post on XSLT for-each-group which is very powerful function to group xml elements based on some criteria.

For Ex, you may want to convert a flat structure, typically returned by DB into an xml which is, say department wise. for-each-group is what you want

This sample is to convert a flat structure into a projectOwner wise grouping


        <ApprovalStatus>some desc 1</ApprovalStatus>
        <ApprovalStatus>some desc 2</ApprovalStatus>

Ouput Format required

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="">
  <xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each-group select="/MailPayload/ActivityPayload" group-by="ProjectOwner">
  <xsl:value-of select="current-grouping-key()"/>
  <xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
<xsl:copy-of select="ActivityId|ActivityName|ProjectId|ProjectName|ReviewerDecision|Comments"/>

for-each-group groups the entire xml as per the group-by value defined and loads in memory
ex : <xsl:for-each-group select="/MailPayload/ActivityPayload" group-by="ProjectOwner">  -- ProjectOwner here

current-grouping-key() gives the values of all ProjectOwner
current-group() lists all the tags defined in a particular set